Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our day today

We took the boys to an ice cream parlor called Graeters tonight and they had their very first taste of ice cream!! They liked it but didn't have the same reaction I thought they would. I thought they would be like "give me more" but they weren't!!
Me and my boys.
Just happy babies sitting in the big boy highchairs.
Cohen's reaction to his 1st taste of ice cream...
And Ethan's reaction!!
Cohen liked feeding it to himself (I think he just liked holding the spoon more than anything)

Daddy & the boys
Ethan listening to daddy reading to him
So proud he's standing
Going from holding onto the excersaucer to holding on to the Jumperoo
Cohen enjoying the water out of his sippy cup
Standing and playing

1 comment:

Melissa said...

My boys had that same reaction to ice cream! I thought they would love it - nope. The twins would crinkle their faes up when we tried to give it to them for a long time. Maybe they got brain freeze?
Watch out for that Ethan - standing turns into walking really quickly!