Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Mom's Group

Every Thursday a group of us stay-at-home mom's meets with our kiddies. It's such a great little group that we have. There's getting to be so many of us and that means lot's of little ones too! :) So much fun though. Great to break up the week and just be around other mom's who can relate to each other. Us mom's are all about the same age and our babies range anywhere from about 4 months to 3 years of age so there's certainly different levels of experience there!

Here's a few pictures from today's get together. Oh and one other thing...I am so excited to announce that Cohen is crawling!! Yay Cohen! He army crawls but man is he fast. It makes me giggle every time I watch him go. He's so much happier now. Him and Ethan seem to be playing more together now too which I'm sure has a lot to do with Cohen being able to go where Ethan goes. Cohen also just started holding his own bottle. These are a few of the things that we have been waiting for for a LONG time now so I think that's where all this excitement comes from!! Oh and Ethan got his first "Goose Egg" on his forehead today:( He was standing and holding onto an excersaucer chillin' with his buddies Eli & Avery when he took a tumble suddenly into a chair. He was tough though. Poor little guy.

This is our group. We call ourselves the "Go Mammas"!! (We are missing one girl and her two children here)
A full house.
Ethan chillin' with Eli & Avery just before he took a tumble.
The "Goose Egg" :(
Cohen holding his own bottle!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What a nice group you all have there!