Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with our friends Cy & Sarah and their daughter Isabella. It's was SO good and we all ate way too much! I am a little disappointed because we didn't get many pictures at all of the day but here are a few and a couple more of the boys...

Uncle Josh & Isabella
The boys tangled in a sheet. Cohen was giggling but Ethan was quite mad and was trying to crawl away.

Ethan and Isabella
All the kids
Ethan has decided that he wants to crawl up on everything...this is the latest toy that he has conquered!!

King of his toy "castle"!

The boys put this muffin tin on Ducky and she just continued sleeping
Josh and the boys spinning...they LOVED it

Cohen...nice pose!

Ethan reading "Pat the Bunny" to Ducky. She's listening contently!

Daddy put Ethan's hat on the wrong way!


Sarah said...

what is it about daddies putting hats on backwards? :)

Unknown said...

oh my goodness your boys are getting SO big~!! They are too, too sweet...isn't it funny how we all have the EXACT same toys strewn throughout our houses?!? LOLLL!!

Melissa said...

They are getting so big! I love the picture of the sheet over their heads! Reminds me of Alex & Nicky and the things they do. and Ethan crawling on top of things, my guys went through that stage - the kitchen table, the bookcases.. you name it they were on it.