Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So there isn't really a whole lot going on around here. Just having fun with the boys and trying to keep them happy!! They are going through a phase right now (especially Cohen) where they don't really want to eat anything. I mean they are still eating but only little bits of things. And if you put something in Cohen's mouth for him to eat he will spit it out and pick it up and put it in his own mouth as if to say "I want to feed myself"! Oh well. I know it won't be like that least I hope not:)

Josh's work is bringing in Santa Claus tomorrow evening so we are going to take the boys there to sit on his lap and get their picture taken. Should be interesting. I wonder if they will be scared or intrigued? I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Then on Friday it's the big day for Ethan...his surgery. I know I've written and talked about this a lot...I guess I am nervous. I'm sure it will be fine though. I'm kind of glad that he is still young and oblivious to things like this. I am also thankful that he is so resilient and recovers quickly. Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers...especially our little boy :)

Below are just a few pictures from around the house. Enjoy!
Ethan trying to escape up the stairs

The boys pull anything they can get their hands on out to play with. Our house looks like a tornado went through it by the end of the day :)
So I decided to go ahead and cut Cohen's hair...myself! It actually turned out OK. His hair is growing super fast and I have watched my mom cut hair a thousand times so I figured what the heck?! If it goes bad I can always take him to the stylist to fix it. He was really good too :)

Cruisin' around
Truly double trouble. It's not very often you find one without the other these days. Thank goodness for child proofing tools!

Mess and destruction but oh so much FUN!
Cohen was sad...I think because Ethan stole something from him. A regular occurrence with these two nowadays :(
They found daddy's hat and had a lot of fun wearing it.

Ethan and his baby Dangles (Thank you Auntie)
Cohen looking at Goodnight Moon. They've really become interested in books lately which I am more than happy to read to them.
Cohen often goes over to our cat Ducky and lays his head on her. I happen to finally catch it on camera. She's very patient with him but gets startled when they sneak up on her. They've had a few scratches on their hands but all in all she's really good with them :)
Cute hat Cohen (or toque as we call them in Canada)
Cute Ethan
Just some close ups of our cutie pies!


1 comment:

Melissa said...

When all of my boys turned 1, they went through a stage when they didn't want to eat much. I think that they are so busy growing and getting into things that they don't want to stop to eat! I am one to just feed on demand and not stick to a schedule. I feed them when they are hungry and try to get good food in. Especially Max who is PICKY! It is a stage and it will pass :)
Your boys are so cute! My guys trash the house during the day too. At least now they are starting to clean up too! I have bins for everything so that they can just through things into them. They sing thier clean up song and stuff gets picked up pretty quickly most of the time.