Thursday, October 11, 2007

12 Month visit to the doctor

Today the boys had their 12 month visit to the doctor for their check up and vaccinations. They had to get so many shots so they weren't very happy. This was by far the worst appointment as far as shots go that I have ever been to. Two in the leg and one in each arm. Poor little things. I was ready to cry. They would have got one more too (Flu Vaccine) but they were out of the preservative free ones so we postponed it for a couple weeks until they get them in again. I think 4 was enough for them. So here are their stats...


Weight: 23 lbs 5oz (65th percentile)
Height: 29 1/4" (45th percentile)


Weight: 23lbs (50th percentile)
Height: 29 1/2" (50th percentile)

Looking at the boys everyone thinks that Cohen is so much bigger than Ethan but he's only 5oz heavier. He's slightly shorter than Ethan but not by much! They always seem to stay pretty close to one another in the weight and height area.

Both boys got a clean bill of health and are doing very well. We still can't believe that they are already a year old. We love you Cohen and Ethan! You've come a long way from being those early babies that only weighed just over 4lbs each. You were so itty bitty and now you are such little men!

I don't have any pictures of them from today but there are plenty below this posting from a week ago or less. We are having a 3rd (and final!!:) birthday party for the boys this Saturday so we can celebrate with friends and family here in Ohio.

1 comment:

The Love's said...

I was just double checking the boys weight and hight. The girls just got weighd and mesurd as well as shots. I think they are the worst shots yet allot of crying.
Scarlett is almost the dame size as the boys, she is 23.5 oz and 29 inch long, my Emmerson on the other hand is 26.14 oz and 31inch long, she is a big girl. I hope all is well with your family, you all look verry happy to me. Twins are so much work but they are sooo much fun. Take care Rita Love