Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's a snowy March Day!!

So today is March 8th and we are having basically a BLIZZARD! It was a fun day though. We took advantage of it and took the boys out for a little fun! They enjoyed it.

Daddy & Cohen
Cohen with rosy cheeks after playing outside!
Ethan's rosy cheeks!
Cohen stuck in the snow, Ethan and the neighbors.
Mommy & Cohen :)
Ethan loving every minute of it!
The whole family
Again :)
My car
I went out and shoveled a bit so we could see how deep it was
This was at 9am. 10 inches already and it snowed ALL day. now at 6:30pm it has finally stopped and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds :)
Looks like a blizzard
I plopped Cohen into the snow and it was up to his waste!


Sarah said...

Cute pictures...but honestly, this blizzard made me grouchy all day! I am so ready fro spring.

Sarah said...

Cute pictures...but honestly, this blizzard made me grouchy all day! I am so ready fro spring.

Melissa said...

I'm so, so sick of snow! Looks like you guys had a great time though! Some parts of our state have gotten 150+ inches this year!