Wednesday, July 11, 2007

9 Month Check Up

Today the boys had their 9 month check up at their pediatrician's office. They are both very healthy boys and doing well. No major concerns or anything. They only had to get one shot today but you could've sworn the nurse poked them 10 times the way they cried today...the poor little things. They did have to get their fingers pricked for a small blood test to check for anemia which they were sad about too. Both boys were good in that department too.

So here are their stats...

Cohen -
Weight: 21lbs 4oz (65th percentile)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (25th percentile) - last time only in the 10th percentile so he's growing!!
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 inches (95th percentile) - yes, our big noggined little man!!

Ethan -
Weight: 20lbs 6oz (50th percentile)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (25th percentile) - he also was in only the 10th percentile 3 months ago
Head Circumference: 18 1/4 inches (65th percentile)

Good job boys!! Cohen gets his helmet on the 20th so we are looking forward to getting that treatment started. The sooner we get it on the sooner his head will reshape into a more round noggin!! Ethan goes to see the Ophthalmologist at the end of the month since his tear ducts have been plugged since birth. A lot of times they remedy themselves but his are being stubborn so the doctor is going to take a look and see if he can't fix that!

Ethan is getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth everyday now so it's just a matter of time before he starts crawling. Cohen just recently started rolling from back to belly. He has been rolling from belly to back for a long time now but just couldn't quite get the momentum to go back the other way. I don't think he will be too far behind on the crawling aspect. Or, maybe he'll go straight to walking...who knows?

Anyways, here are some pictures of the boys today at the doctor's office and in the car and then just some random pictures that were taken within the last few days.

Waiting to see Dr. Davies
Cuddling on the floor after their naps this morning

Ethan sleeping after a tough visit at the pediatrician's office!
Cohen observing all the "goings on" outside on the way home.

Ethan napping in his crib this morning. I love the way he sleeps with his little bum in the air!!

Both boys sound asleep in their new car seats. It's tough now that they aren't in their infant carriers. I can't just pick them up in their car seats anymore while they stay sleeping. Same goes for just being able to snap them into the double stroller (which was SUPER easy) ...especially when I was by myself. Gone are those days of "easy"!! I guess it's just one more sign that these boys are growing!


Good form!

The boys and their daddy!
Reading and eating their books!
Their favorite book so far..."Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" By Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle
Cohen's favorite page...the yellow duck


Anonymous said...

YEAH Cohen and Ethan on the GREAT check-up!! You guys are as cute as ever and look oh so grown-up in your big-boy car seats!! I love your puppy pjs (Benny has the same ones ;)

Melissa said...

My boys still sleep with thier butts in the air and their feet crossed! It looks like they are just about to crawl - go boys go!! They are so sweet! I know, the ease of the infants seats is great, but what are you gonna do? I love my red wagon for quick in and out. Yes, I do put it in the back of my van. I rotate that and my jogging stroller. I'm a nut, I know!