Saturday, March 3, 2007

What's new here...

Well, not too much is new here. We've been having some decent weather lately. Friday was pretty warm and the boys and I spent a lot of our day out and about. I was wearing capri's and flip flops but then today it's cold and a little snowy! We'll all be glad when the cold weather goes away for good and we have more sunny days than gloomy days.

Cohen and Ethan are already going to be 5 months old on Wednesday. It's amazing how much they are growing. We just went through a rough patch with them for a couple weeks (they didn't want to sleep ever...naps or at night) but we are praying they are past it now.

We have two new baby girls that have entered the world in the last couple weeks. My best friend Sherri and her husband Mike had a baby girl named Makayla and just today our neighbors and good friends Sarah and Cy welcomed their little girl Isabella into the world. We are so excited for all of them and joke that each of our boys will marry one of their girls!!

There's not much new with Josh and I. Josh has been working and everything is going well there. He is looking at taking on a part time job soon to help out since we don't have my income coming in anymore. I'm still with the boys on a full time basis which certainly is a full time job. Really looking forward to warmer weather so I can get out with them more often and be able to go to the park and for walks. I have a friend here (Yvonne) who's boy/girl twins are a month older than our boys so her and I are trying to get together more frequently. I have joined the Columbus Mother's of Twins group but haven't attended any meetings but plan to attend my first one mid month. Looking forward to that. Anyways, everything is good here...the boys are growing fast and it's just so amazing how grown up they seem already. We hope to hear from you all soon.

~ The Woods

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