Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pictures from Josh's B-day weekend

My crown that I loaned him for the day!!! (this was out of a b-day card!!)
My friend Yvonne's B/G twins that are a month older than our boys. This is Amaya.
And this is Avery! They are such sweet babies and can't wait until they can all play together!
Daddy with Ethan. They look so much alike these days.
Daddy and Ethan on our nature walk today.
Court and Ethan.
Goofy uncle Bryan and Cohen.
Bryan, Court and the boys!!
The boys just before we went on our walk on the trails.
Daddy and Ethan.
Mommy and Cohen just before our walk.

Out on the trails.

Our little family!!! :)
Cohen cutie...look at those eyes!!
Ethan cutie!!
Daddy and Ethan (Ethan is sleeping at this point!!)

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