Monday, February 12, 2007

The new Bumbo seat...

Obviously Cohen likes the seat since he fell asleep in it!!! This
seat is such a great thing to have. It helps them to develop their core muscles
as well as keeps them using their neck muscles. It is designed for babies ages 3 - 14 months. You can take them anywhere and once they start eating rice cereal
etc. they will be great to take to restaurants etc. or on vacation. We bought one
to see how they were but like it so much we are going to get another one.
Here is Cohen getting his bath yesterday. He LOVES his bath
and kicks and squeals away in it...we don't have a picture up of
his brother in the bath since he HATES it for the most part and
usually cries!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I wish they had those Bumbo seats when my guys were infants!! They would have been life savers in my house!