Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fall Days!

Yesterday was actually a little chilly outside. You could feel the Fall crispness in the air. I love it! I took the boys for a wagon ride around the neighborhood and then brought their trikes out. We bought them quite awhile ago and back then they couldn't maneuver them very well so I was happy when they could ride them so well yesterday. :) Our neighbors came over with their little boy as well and all three rode their trikes. It was pretty cute. I am made that I didn't get all three in a picture though. Oh well. I know there will be many more chances. Here are some pictures and a short video...(the same video is posted twice and when I go to edit it only shows one so I can't figure out how to remove it)

TAKE 1...

TAKE 2! Ok...there's those smiles!

Cohen woke up from his nap first so Josh took Cohen for a walk. They were walking down the street but I was able to zoom in and snap this shot of them. I love it!

Here's the video:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

OMG! How cute is Ethan saying "hi"! I can't believe how big the boys are on their little bikes! Happy belated birthday to them also, I think I missed it when I was in NY last week.